Welcome to the 2025 school year! We are very excited to see what opportunities come our way!
A very warm and friendly welcome to the students and families who are beginning their school journey with us this year. We hope that St Mary's provides you with a positive and strong educational experience. We also welcome back families that are already part of our community.
I would like to acknowledge the outstanding work of our staff in preparing for the school year. Their dedication means that our students have the best start possible. Thank you!
Know that I am always happy to assist with any queries, concerns and ideas or just to be a listening ear. You are always welcome to contact me by phone at school or call in for a chat. If you would like to use email or Seesaw to make a suitable time that would be great, otherwise ring the office to check my diary. My door is always open!
For those that are new, you will notice that the information in our newsletter is presented under five headings - Catholic School Culture, Learning and Teaching, Wellbeing, Community Engagement and Leadership and Stewardship - which are the important characteristics that highly effective Catholic Schools focus on. All the work we do at school falls under these headings.
As you would undoubtedly know, our hearts were broken over the holidays when we heard of the tragic death of Mather Bell, the son of our beautiful friend and colleague Madeleine and her husband Josh. Words can not adequately express our deep sorrow and heartache. We will walk with the family now and always.
We are deeply grateful to our team for their kindness and care in ensuring all our students, particularly Prep B, have had a settled start to the year. We greatly appreciate Tania Stevens, Lindy Cullinane and Eliza Groves stepping into the Prep teaching role for this term to support Madeleine. We would also like to thank Erin Wolfe, Renee Perriman and Kate Dixon for being the consistent presence for our Prep students and families.
In amongst our sadness, Darren and I have welcomed our first grandchild, a beautiful little girl, Francesca Peggy. We are smitten! In Week 3, I will be taking leave to be with them in Brisbane as Francesca's dad is sitting his Paediatric exams and her mum, our daughter, could do with some help over that week! Tania will be Acting Principal during that time. Thank you Tania.
Thank you for a wonderful first week at school!
Enjoy the weekend with those you love,
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Catholic School Culture
Hamilton: Saturday 6pm and Sunday 10.30am
Dunkeld: Sunday 8.30am
Glenthompson: Sunday 8.30am
Penshurst: Sunday 8.30am
We would like to express our deepest sympathies to the Ezard family on the passing of Chantz's grandfather, Doug and to the Caruana family following the death of Hudson's great grandmother, Margaret. The families are very much in our thoughts and prayers at this sad time.
We were also saddened to hear of the passing of Gerald Healy. Gerald is the husband of our former colleague Mary Healy and the uncle of former staff member John Healy and current staff member Rebecca Kearney. Again, our condolences to the family.
Beginning of the Year School Mass
Our Beginning of the Year School Mass is on Sunday 16th February, at St Mary's Church, 10.30am. All families are invited to join together in celebrating our beautiful school and the new year. Students are asked to wear their school uniform and to sit with their families. It would be greatly appreciated if a small plate of food could be brought along to share after Mass. Thanks!
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Learning and Teaching
School Wide Positive Behaviours
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support is: A multi-tiered framework for establishing the social culture and behavioural supports needed for a school to achieve behavioural and academic outcomes for all students.
For the next two weeks at St Mary’s, we are working with our students on the following:
RESPECT - Use kind words
SAFETY - Keep hands and feet off others
RESPONSIBILITY- Make the most of the learning opportunities offered
Sports Catch Up
Dates for your Diary
School Athletics Carnival: Thursday 6th March @ Monivae/St. Mary’s
The Athletics Carnival is for our Grade 1 - 6 students. Parents/guardians and grandparents are most welcome to attend and support their child/ren.
We will have a Prep Aths day later in the year.
Parent Access Portal (PAM)
PAM has been released - you should have received an email from St Mary's Student Portal. Please follow the instructions to log in.
I see that we have a few families who have not logged in and completed the consent forms for 2025. If you could please check your emails and log into your PAM account and complete these and the Medical Form ASAP, it would be greatly appreciated. It also ensures we are set up for the new 2025 year.
Each week, I will bring you links to helpful websites and information that assist in the area of child safety. Once again, our Diocese has partnered with SchoolTV to bring a range of helpful resources to families from a variety of experts, such as Dr Michael Carr-Gregg. There will be videos, interviews, fact sheets, articles and more. Please find a link to our school landing page for this valuable resource below.
Again this year, we are delighted to be a part of the Standing Tall Mentoring Program. This program matches students with a mentor and they spend time together at school on a weekly basis. This program allows students to form a special relationship with their mentor, someone who they can chat to, play board games with or spend time with in the garden. Please contact school if you think this is something that might assist your child.
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Leadership and Stewardship
Student Attendance
It is a legal requirement for schools to contact families if students are absent from school without an explanation. As a result, our office staff are required to contact you from 9.30am if your child is absent from school and you have not let us know. Please phone or email. Thanks!
A Few Reminders
Please be aware of the following information regarding bell times and supervision. It is important that you support us in our daily routine so that we can ensure the safety of all students.
8.45 - 8.55 Organisation time
8.55 – 11.00 Learning time (fruit time @ approx. 10.00am)
11.00 – 11.20 Playtime
11.20 – 11.30 Eating time.
11.30 – 1.20 Learning time
1.20 – 1.30 Eating time
1.30 – 2.10 Playtime
2.10 – 3.15 Learning time
3.15 Dismissal bell
· Members of staff provide supervision for students from 8.30am until 3.30pm.
· Students should not arrive at school before 8.30am.
· Students must be picked up promptly following the 3.15pm bell.
· Three staff are on duty at recess and lunch times.
· No child is to leave school before the dismissal bell unless permission has been granted. In these circumstances, the student needs to be signed out in the register at the Office. Thank you for your support in all these school matters!
School Fees School Fees for 2025 will be sent out next week. Direct Debit forms are available from the office or if you would prefer to set up your own Direct Debit, the account details are located on the top right hand side of your fee statement. All accounts are due by 30th June, 2025 unless you are on a regular payment plan. The Family Fee Assistance scheme will be available again in 2025. Families who qualify for the scheme (if you hold a Health Care Card or Pension card) will pay $520 per annum for primary school tuition fees. The discounted fee covers tuition and capital fees only. It does not cover additional charges such as camps, student fees, and excursions. Please note that students who are holders of Health Care Cards are not eligible. An application form needs to be completed unless you have previously filled it out and you have no changes to your family situation i.e. a new prep student starting. These forms are available at the office. The forms, plus a copy of your current Centrelink card, must be received by Monday 24 th February, 2025. The Camps, Sports & Excursions Fund (CSEF) is provided by the Victorian Government to assist eligible families to cover the costs of school trips, camps and sporting activities. Please see below for eligibility or please contact the office. Forms are available at the office and must be completed no later than Monday 24 th February, 2025. If during the year your circumstances change and you become eligible for Centrelink, please come and discuss this with Helen. If you have any queries concerning your account, please contact me at the office or via email helen@smhamilton.catholic.edu.au Thank you, Helen
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Community Engagement
Our next assembly will be on Friday 14th February at 2.55pm.
Icy Poles
This term we are selling icy poles every Friday for $1.00 each. We will meet with our Students Leaders to determine what organisation we will be raising money for and let you know. Our first day of selling will be on Friday 7th February.
Town bus cost
There has been a price rise for tickets, the new prices and term pass prices are listed below.
Student Single $1.50
Student Return $3.00
Student Weekly $14.00
Term 1 Pass $131.60
Term 2 Pass $142.80
Term 3 Pass $123.20
Term4 Pass $148.40
Town bus routes are availiable at the front office
Garden Gurus
Community Events
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14 Mar 2025 - 2:55 PM to 3:15 PM
Recurring every 2 weeks on Friday until March 28, 2025